Frequently Asked Questions
- I get the error message "There is no management plugin that monitors the start and finish of a measurement"
Currently the only plugin doing management is the SprayQc.proxeon plugin. This is a specifically 32-bit version, which does not work on 64-bit platforms. This causes the proxeon plugin to not load and generates this error. It also means that the application is not functional.
- I receive the notification "The data acquisition has stopped unexpectedly", but the data acquisition is just fine.
This notification is sent off by the SprayQc.filesystem plugin when it detects that no write has been made to the RAW file for a specific period of time. What usually causes this error to be falsely sent is that the loading period of the LC is longer than the specified time. A work-around is to lengthen the time.
- Saving of configuration goes wrong
This is known behavior, which will be changed for the final version. In order to ensure that settings are stored, press the stop button and exit the application. When it starts again, the settings will be there.
